Welcome. This site is now an archive of work done between 1966 and 2018.

To view more recent work visit the new website: http://www.johndanversart.co.uk/

My latest book, a collection of 100 poems titled: To see the light, is available from Amazon (UK price £7.50). If you buy a copy, many thanks – please consider writing a brief review on the Amazon website.Click here for link.

My 2016 book, Interwoven Nature: relatedness and identity in a changeful world, is available from Amazon (UK price £8.99). If you buy a copy, many thanks – please consider writing a brief review for the Amazon website. More details: click here.

Please note: in the various sections of this site works are usually listed in chronological order – moving from the past to the present. The site is continually being revised to include more images and texts.