This text is extracted from a piece written in 1972 in collaboration with Charles Garrad & Ken Hickman.
While heavily indebted to John Cage it contains
some ideas which still seem relevant today.
The Sixth Zen Patriarch spoke of the art of meditation as not being the art of tranquillising the mind, but rather the art of acting, performing deeds, seeing, hearing, thinking, remembering.
First Event: Rain falling on the stones
The Fair – The Journey – The Fire
Blithe and hearty gravitation, and pleasure carters and waggoners hands; and thus farmer, and to meditative, and his known, and that not. And thus exaltation, and the town, and a sergeant and his on, and he them, and gone market-place, and not street and entering bench and the attempted, and carried town, and stood away and shake trustworthy, and he itself, and extemporise matured, and wait
The spectator is a creative personality. Perception is itself a dynamic creative process.
Second Event: She pushes her hair behind her ears
To reach heaven we must pass through forms, through spontaneity and ritual, to ordinariness.
Third Event: The empty chair
Zen supports the social, political and religious reality that surrounds it, that’s why it’s said to be morally anarchic.
Fourth Event: Rain falling on the roof
Crit. & Dog. In Lit.
Conference and I psychiatry and social social and political irrational and mysterious men and from precise and coherent lives and of spirit and of economic and political creation and daily seriously and critically dogma and prejudice history, and more consciousness and of cultural and literary societies, and therefore society, and the immiseration and poverty predicted and expected. Viewpoint, and only poverty and of think and live development and of
Only language can make connections because only language divides – nature is above both.
Fifth Event: He leans back
Nature is the body of Buddha.
Sixth Event: Whistle blowing
Definitions are maintained by common consent, meaning by individual dissent from the norms of definition.
Seventh Event: Legs crossed
Our edges are not absolutes. They are just as much of the world as they are of us.
Eighth Event: Canes on the tiles
“Poverty consists not so much in having few possessions but in having too many desires”.
Ninth Event: She sews
Science is the mother of illusion.
Tenth Event: Doors close